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For a list of magazine and ezine articles written by Ballet Secrets for Skaters author, Barbara Denise Files, please click on Resources.
of Contents
Press Releases
Skating for Olympic gold: Technical excellence isn’t enough
New York – December 10, 2005 – With the 2006 Winter Olympics around the corner, a new judging system has the figure skating world betting on a showdown between technical and artistic excellence. Gone is the famous 6.0 system. In its place is a new code which awards points for raw skating skills, but places more emphasis on the presentation of those skills.
“Under the 6.0 system, skaters with one impressive jump held a competitive edge, even if their presentation skills were weak. Now, a more balanced skating program—complete with breathtaking spins, intricate footwork, and a hefty dose of stage presence—is key,” says Barbara Denise Files, skating performance coach and author of Ballet Secrets for Skaters. “Artistry on ice is the new competitive weapon.”
Files’ recently released book, titled Ballet Secrets for Skaters: How to Hone Your Artistic Competitive Edge, deals with these challenges in a fun and easy-to-read format. Instead of focusing on the needs of a budding Sugar Plum Fairy, Files’ book emphasizes the arm, shoulder and head positions that are most beneficial to figure skaters.
“As a Russian-trained ballerina and performance coach to skaters, I understand demanding practice schedules. Figure skaters won’t take time to spend hours learning every aspect of ballet,” says Files. “They need to master specific positions to enhance their performance on the ice.”
With the growing interest in artistry on ice, Barbara Denise Files shares her passion for artistic excellence with skaters and coaches who are passionate about figure skating. Her book, Ballet Secrets for Skaters, motivates readers with inspiring interviews with champion figure skaters including Gold Medallist, Viktor Petrenko and three-time World Professional Champion, Yuka Sato.
About Barbara Denise Files
Barbara Denise Files is a New York based dancer, skater, Russian-trained
teacher and dance choreographer dedicated to bringing the artistic beauty
and refinement of ballet to world of figure skating. For more information,
please visit balletsecretsforskaters.com.
Ballet Secrets for Skaters: How to Hone
Your Artistic Competitive Edge
by Barbara Denise Files
ISBN 0-9726723-8-9
Paperback 192 Pages
Price: $19.95
Features include an Index, 70+ professional black and white photos, and Terms to Remember.
For further information, please contact
Barbara Denise Files
(914) 332-4512